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Non-invasive and non-surgical method for joint pathologies

Prolotherapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical infiltrative technique for chronic musculoskeletal pain.

What is Prolotherapy

How does it work

A glucose solution is injected through a micro needle where tendons and ligaments are damaged.

Prolotherapy is indicated in all skeletal pathologies in which tendons and ligaments are involved.


SIPRO organizes and supervises formation courses on Prolotherapy

SIPRO organizes and supervises formation courses on Prolotherapy

In Italy, Prolotherapy is practiced by a restricted number of Doctors who are part of the Italian Society of Prolotherapy (S.I.PRO), a non-profit organization that has the goal of spreading this branch of modern Orthopedy. In turn, S.I.PRO is affiliated to Hackett Hemwall Patterson Foundation (HHPF) whose headquarters are in Madison – Wisconsin, world centre of the teaching of Prolotherapy.

S.I.PRO, in collaboration with Hackett Hemwall Patterson Foundation of the University of Madison Wisconsin (USA) is committed to the formation and update for Prolotherapy specialists.


There are many courses every year in Italy as well as abroad.

The SIPRO courses
SIPRO Board of Directors
Authorized Prolotherapists

The board of directors of SIPRO, in consideration of the fact that the practice of Prolotherapy must be entrusted to doctors who are experts in this method to avoid unwanted effects to those who undergo it and for the good name of the method itself, has established that the doctor can enroll in the Italian Society of Prolotherapy and become a recognized Prolotherapist only if he has followed:

Three Modules:

  • 1) Upper limb

  • 2) Lower limb

  • 3) Cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine

  • 4) Practical test with a minimum of 60 hours that can be obtained in the Prolotherapy Missions in Greece, Honduras or in another location recognized by the Hackett Hemwall Patterson Foundation.

The SIPRO President
Dr. Luciano Bassani

Become a SIPRO member

How to become a SIPRO member?

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